Be an engaged bystander and you will make a difference!
How many times have you been a witness, bystander or enabler to bad behavior? Maybe the behavior made you uncomfortable and you did not want to get involved for fear of ridicule or retaliation from your friends or colleagues? You thought, surely someone else will say something or report the behavior. Or, maybe you were too scared to speak up for fear of being labeled a trouble maker and potentially affect your friendships or your job security.
It takes a village to change the culture and prevalence of sexual harassment in the sandbox of your social group or workplace. This village includes you, whether you are an executive, employee, friend or stranger. If you sense an uncomfortable reaction or witness offensive behavior, don’t be a bystander. Be an upstander and say something!
Intervening in a safe and gentle manner can be a powerful show of support for the recipient of the objectionable behavior. A simple comment might have impact such as “Hey, not cool! Be respectful." If you are at work or on a Video call, add: "You are violating company policy!” Men will listen to men and speaking up and taking a stand, might underscore your leadership qualities. Staying silent might make you complicit.
We need men to be engaged and help make a difference! Check out our blog for tips on how to be an upstander!
What will you do today to be #beupstanding to help #changetheculture for an environment without #sexualharassment at work or in your social circles? Join us for further discussion of how to play nice at and check out our book 'Play Nice'.
The Sandbox Series™
Addressing Workplace & Campus Issues