Play Nice arms readers with simple tools to help combat sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Learn to communicate confidently to stop harassing behavior and make an impression that will not wreck careers. It also introduces rules and takeaways to help navigate the close-quarters sandbox within the workplace playground.
- Alan Cundy
Brigitte Kimichik, JD and her co-author, JR Tomlinson, recently met guests … for the book launch of Play Nice: Playground Rules for Respect in the Workplace. Play Nice tackles sexual harassment in the workplace.
Drawing from personal experiences Brigitte and J.R. share a powerful provoking message encouraging us all to PLAY NICE at work and at play…together. No matter if you are a woman or man cooperation in the “sandbox” lifts up the team with advanced and prolonged achievements. Brigitte and J.R. want us to know that we can accomplish anything if we learn to work and PLAY NICE together.
Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Play Nice: Playground Rules for Respect in the Workplace" is a timely and critically important contribution to our current and on- going national dialogue over how to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace.
Play Nice: Playground Rules for Respect in the Workplace
For empowering those who wish to reassert their boundaries and for teaching allies how to help in this fight.
Play Nice: Playground Rules for Respect in the Workplace
Takes things back to basics by applying the rules we all learned on the playground and applying them to the modern day workplace.
In the heat of today's #MeToo Movement, on of the most hotly discussed topics is sexual harassment in the workplace. Play Nice is an indispensable resource - both for empowering those who wish to reassert their boundaries and for teaching allies how to help.
Sexual harassment has become an all too common narrative in today’s work environment, as organizations fail to create respectful workplaces for employees. As a result, more states are doubling down on sexual harassment prevention training requirements for employers. “Check out Brigitte’s advice as author of Play Nice.”
After working in a male dominated environment for more than 30 years, Brigitte decided to publish her first book, Play Nice: Playground Rules for Respect in the Workplace, with a friend, JR Tomlinson. Play Nice provides victims of sexual harassment and bystanders in and outside of the workplace with realistic tools on how to deal with bad behavior on the spot – to foster confidence, personal well-being and a more successful working relationship between women and men.
Sarah Gallo, associate editor at Training Industry, Inc., and co-host of The Business of Learning, the Training Industry podcast covers What is Digital Harassment? How Can Training Help? Bystander Intervention, and more with Play Nice! with author Brigitte Kimichik. The tell-tale signs of sexual harassment have become all too clear to employees across industries. But the line between what’s appropriate and what’s not can easily become blurred when working remotely. After all, working from home “tends to “take on a more casual tone,” says Brigitte Gawenda Kimichik, JD, author of “Play Nice: Playground Rules for Respect in the Workplace” and a recently retired attorney. This “decrease in formality,” she says, can hinder workplace civility, professionalism and accountability, all of which contribute to a culture that tolerates harassment.
Play Nice! author Brigitte Kimichik provides guidance on what employers can do in the SHRM 2019 Report: Sexual Harassment Has Long-Term Economic Impact on Women "Your policies and procedures should not be window dressing. Don't be afraid to open up a can of worms" and talk about this issue, said Brigitte Gawenda Kimichik. She is co-author of Play Nice: Playground Rules for Respect in the Workplace
Remote Report, Insights on the business of remote work covers "Remote sexual harassment happens. Here’s how companies should respond" and features expert advice including from Play Nice! author Brigitte Kimichik.
"Companies should allow for a more flexible and transparent working environment to help employees change their work habits as needed to accommodate challenges as they arise."
Brigitte Kimichik
Watch our recent Live Stream on The Jeff Crilley Show
Watch Play Nice authors Brigitte Kimichik, JD & J. R. Tomlinson on a recent episode of CEO Money!
The Sandbox Series™
Addressing Workplace & Campus Issues