Picture of a professional woman holding up a card that says SALARY.
By Brigitte Kimichik November 13, 2024
New Job? Negotiating Your Salary? Negotiating a salary or is important and requires preparation. Remember that your superiors cannot read your mind. Be firm but gentle in communicating your expectations with respect to a salary and bonus. Be prepared to support your request with your experience, your prior contributions and successes, and comparable data in the market for similar jobs. As your target company to provide transparency with respect to their current pay structures. They may be required to do so by law. For more, check out Play Smart - Playground Strategies for Success in a Male-Dominated Workplace by Kimichik on Amazon.
Female professional shaking her boss's hand after negotiating a raise or promotion
By Brigitte Kimichik November 12, 2024
It is the end of the year and almost time to negotiate for a raise or promotion. Are you prepared? Have you documented your expanded responsibilities and your recent successes that will help justify a raise or promotion? You will have to do some research and understand the market for similar jobs and salaries. Get ready with our new book Play Smart - Playground Strategies for Success in a Male-Dominated Workplace.
Picture of college campus with a grad hat and title about the Red Zone -  risk of sexual assault
By Brigitte Kimichik November 12, 2024
“The Red Zone" is the time period at the beginning of each school year from September through November when women (and men) are at the highest risk of sexual assault and illegal hazing. Spiking of drinks and excess consumption of alcohol are often a catalyst, so taking precautions and not being a bystander are critical. Read my blog for more information on what actions to take.
Picture of college students walking down a hall, with the title Be an Upstander
By Brigitte Kimichik November 12, 2024
How many times have you been a witness, bystander or enabler to bad behavior? Maybe the behavior made you uncomfortable and you did not want to get involved for fear of ridicule or retaliation from your friends or classmates? Maybe you were worried you would get into trouble with the school or with the local authorities? You thought, surely someone else will say something or report the behavior. If you sense an uncomfortable reaction from a person who is being targeted or you witness offensive behavior, don’t be a bystander. Call out the behavior. Do something.
Woman in a suit pointing to title Year End Review - Are you prepared?
By Brigitte Kimichik November 6, 2024
It's year end at work. Are you prepared for your performance review? Take the time to list your contributions, successes and accolades from colleagues. Add any efforts you have made to improve your experience and training. Determine any deficiencies where you may need additional training to climb that ladder at work. Check out market trends for similar jobs in your industry. Practice your pitch for a raise or promotion with a close friend or colleague prior to your review. For more, check out our tips from Play Smart - Playground Strategies for Success in a Male-Dominated Workplace by Kimichik on Amazon.
RECENT LIVE STREAM - THE JEFF CRILLEY SHOW - Talking about Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
July 21, 2022
Sexual Harassment in the workplace is NOT acceptable. This week's episode of The Jeff Crilley Show talks about sexual harassment, what it looks like and how to deal with it.
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