Netflix's Limited Series: Unbelievable
Based on a true story, the limited series is a must see and at times difficult to watch—and yes, truly unbelievable.
This binge worthy show is about a young girl who is accused of filing a false police report about her rape and the female detective heroes who pursue the truth relentlessly, despite the challenges of a male dominated police force, the difficulties of filing and pursuing rape claims, and the prejudices surrounding the young girl's life situation.
Jen Chaney, describes it perfectly in her Vulture article. "Unbelievable never loses sight of the fact that the system makes women feel like they’re constantly operating underneath a low ceiling. 😿 It’s the rare crime show that demonstrates how a similar ceiling exists for victims of crimes as well as those attempting to solve them." The man eventually caught is charged with raping women ranging in ages from 18, 26, 46, 65……reinforcing the reality "that no woman is asking for it because anyone can become a rape victim."😤
[The dynamic duo: Merritt Wever and Toni Collette in Unbelievable. Photo: Beth Dubber/Netflix]
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