A number of high profile companies have vowed to change their ways after being tagged for #MeToo violations, including Google, Microsoft, UBER, CBS, Fox News and McDonald’s. In today's #MeToo environment, a company may find that actively combating sexual harassment in a vocal and transparent manner and imposing prompt proper discipline might have a far greater positive impact on the company’s reputation internally with respect to morale and employee production and in the community with respect to attracting business, new customers and talented employees.
If companies commit to transparency across all industries, it will make it much more difficult for violators to continue bad behavior regardless of their influence and value to their company. Violators must suffer appropriate consequences that have impact and deter future sexual harassment. Simply "releasing" a perpetrator will not necessarily prevent him from continuing his behavior at a new company.
Transparency means more frequent education regarding policies against sexual harassment, holding leadership accountable for failure to report and investigate, promptly punishing bad actors to illustrate real consequences, and regularly and openly reporting on the types and frequency of claims, ultimate outcome of investigations and resulting punishment, if applicable. Committing to transparency will make a huge difference in the fight against sexual harassment and developing a culture of respect.
What will you do to be #beupstanding to help #changetheculture for an environment without #abuse and #workplacesexualharassment?
#TimesUp. Let’s #playnice. For more information on our book “Play Nice - Playground Rules for Respect in the Workplace,” please join us at www.thesandboxseries.com
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