University of Central Oklahoma suspends squad for remainder of year while the allegations are investigated. No details of the hazing were initially provided other than a description from the University’s President that the hazing occurred August 13, 2020 and involved “unacceptable and abhorrent activities.” Further punishment announced includes prohibition to participate in national competitions for two years. If any member is found to have participated, they will be subject to removal from the team and suspension from the school. According to President Neuhold-Ravikumar, “The UCO cheer team should embody the spirit of our community—encouraging us to give our best effort and to represent our university with pride and dignity.” An open records’ request by Oklahoma’s News Channel 4 made the details of the hazing public, including allegations that members were blindfolded, were asked to answer questions that were sexual in nature, were asked to perform lap dances, were asked to grind against objects in a sexual manner, and some of the underaged team members were served alcohol.
According to the News 4 report, some team members (along with their parents) have appealed the University’s decision claiming the event was a “team-building exercise,” optional and voluntary, and that the members did not at any time feel hazed.
Are you confused? We are! How are any activities that are sexual and potentially embarrassing or degrading to the persons called to perform such activities appropriate for a team-building exercise? Are organization leaders and members, including women, receiving anti-hazing education regularly or at all? Are our young adults not learning appropriate conduct at home? Much more education is needed. Team building should include activities that help women acquire the tools to combat bad behavior, increase confidence, and make women stronger—not perpetuate traumatic experiences resulting from degrading behavior. Women get that every single day from men. We should not be enduring such behavior from our sisters!
The University has agreed to hear and consider the appeal. We hope the #universityofcentraloklahoma stands its ground. Stay tuned for the ultimate outcome.
What will you do today to be #beupstanding and help #changetheculture for an environment without #sexualharassment, #abuse, and #racism? #TimesUp. Let’s #playnice. For more info on this topic and other related issues, check out “Play Nice - Playground Rules for Respect in the Workplace,” and join us at www.thesandboxseries.com.
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Addressing Workplace & Campus Issues